WorkBC Whalley
Life Skills are important in the workplace and everyday life. Life Skills Topics covered:
  • Teamwork, Health and Wellness, Self-Care
  • Communication
  • Employee Rights, Cultural Inclusion
  • Self-esteem, Self-Awareness, and Assertiveness
  • Healthy Boundaries
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Fear and self-sabotage, Resilience, Coping with Change, Goal Setting
How to Register/Attend the Workshop: If you are not yet a WorkBC client, please contact the WorkBC Centre that is nearest to you: Whalley (604) 584-0003, Guildford (604) 580-9740, or Newton (778) 728-0175.

If you are already a WorkBC client with any of these three Centres, please contact your Employment Counsellor to sign up for this workshop.


WorkBC is the provincial government's access point to the world of work in British Columbia. It was created with one key goal — to help all British Columbians to successfully navigate B.C.'s labour market.